


What is telehealth?

Telehealth is the use of electronic communication to provide health care information and services remotely. Through live, one-on-one video appointments, patients are able to see and talk with Dr. Blake from the comfort and convenience of their own home. Our practice will be using a secure, HIPAA compliant online platform called Doxy.

Why is BKB Chiropractic doing this?

The COVID-19 pandemic demands that health care providers rethink options for delivering care to reduce risk of further spreading infection and to protect our communities as much as possible. This option allows anyone, including at-risk patients, to receive care.

With telehealth, we can provide:

  • Health history
  • Virtual examinations and diagnosis
  • Effective management of pain through exercises, stretches, and self treatment
  • Answers to health related questions and concerns
  • Support and guidance with lifestyle choices
  • Nutritional supplementation recommendations
  • Ergonomic assessment of an at-home workstation
  • + more!

With telehealth, we cannot provide:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Hands on manual therapy
  • Acupuncture/dry needling

Will my insurance cover this?

In most cases, yes. In these unprecedented times, many insurance companies are waiving cost-sharing and providing access to telehealth care at no cost to the patient. We can help you verify your policy.

Can I still come into the practice for an in-person appointment?

Currently, BKB Chiropractic remains open for in-office visits. At this time, anyone is still welcome to make an in-person appointment unless any of the following are true:

  • You have traveled for spring break.
  • You have a fever.
  • You have signs/symptoms of being sick including:
    • Respiratory complaints
    • Cough
    • Sore throat
  • You have traveled to high risk area, out of the country, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.
  • You have been asked to self-quarantine by your employer, governmental official, or IDPH/CDC/WHO guidelines.

If you have any of the above, please call to cancel your in-person appointment and request a telehealth visit instead.

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