
Phases of Care

Phase 1 

Relief Care

FEEL BETTER! Many individuals seek chiropractic care because they are in pain or experiencing other unpleasant symptoms. The primary goal in Phase 1 care is to increase the function of the spine and nervous system, alleviating pain and symptoms as quickly as possible. 

Phase 2

 Corrective Care

GET STRONGER! Once pain and symptoms have been significantly reduced, care is continued in order to prevent re-occurrence of symptoms. The primary goal in Phase 2 care is to restore the structure and function of the spine and nervous system by adding in stretching and strengthening exercises. 

Phase 3

Wellness Care

STAY WELL! Now the proper structure and function of the spine and nervous system has been restored and the body has fully healed.  The primary goal in Phase 3 care is to maintain your improved spinal health in order for your body to continue to perform at it's highest level. 

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